We have everything we need to be everything God desires. Divine resources have been deposited to us. When we need more patience, It’s ours if we seek God.

When we Need more joy we can Ask for it. When we Running low on wisdom, God has plenty. When we feel stagnant, alone, confused, emotions running, or even celebration..

God is with us at all times. He does not judge, nor impatient or any of those things. Let go physical realm. Allow God to guide us have faith & peace thru the process. 


You can’t build a skyscraper sized vision on a fixed upper faith, and you won’t experience mansion-sized miracles with porta-potty principles. 


“Half of the game is learning how to forget those events in the past that eat away at you & cloud reason. The real purpose of the background glancing eye to educate yourself constantly, you look at the past to learn from those who came before you. Then, having looked to the past, you look closer at hand, to your own actions and those of your friends. 


Faith for the above only


Practice ( hear it but don't apply it) missing the game, not showing up. Practice gives u the results of the performance.

Applying the word that u heard. The word u have received u shall use it/action. Are u applying it? Don't keep it and treasure it but in all things use it and apply it. “Put it to work” “action”.

Hearing the word but not seeing it manifest it my life bc we aren’t applying it in our daily life! 

The head not the tail thou shall be above only thou shall nor beneath. Command this day to observe and do. Don't forget the ONLY part “above ONLY”

Are u living the above life? Are u walking the above life? Or are u walking the beneath life? 


  • Vision- comes from the 97%
  • Plans the future with the imagination 
  • Wisdom from your mentor
  • Imagination is your belief/faith system


Don’t rush the process🧘🏻‍♀️ Get out of the mindset of instant gratification 

🔑Everything happened in between created that big opportunity/blessing

Can’t rush the process TRUST THE PROCESS




Broke = not sure where you gonna go means its gonna derail

Broken focus means a broke mindset


Get back and get with growth

If you aren’t growing you are dying

When its all about me you become a use to be


Action: Any change towards improving ones 

Eliminate all excuses 

Don't wait for the perfect moment 

Take action! 

Take the first step dont look at the while staircase look at the first step  

Fail forward faster lock into closer to ur dream you gonna fail 

Deciding and doing 

9 Keys to success

  • set clear goals 
  • Have to a strong work ethic 
  • Consistency 
  • Stop looking for the easy path
  • Continuously work 
  • Learn from ppl who have the success listen to feedback 
  • Be strong and follow your gut
  • Have an attitude that you will never quit
  • Have a clear purpose nothing in life will throw you off know your purpose


Everything that you are thinking about you are creating your own world. The more you think negative the more you are speaking it into existence. Start letting your imagination (spiritual) go crazy. Imagine what you want bc it’s already done. 

Start being positive and showing gratitude every second💗. The blessings can’t manifest in your life bc you are letting negative emotions in. Let positive emotions in your life then you’ll start seeing your blessings. 

Start investing into yourself during these times, focus on yourself and what you can do to grow and help others grow. Where do you see yourself tomorrow? Next few months? Next year? Everything is here already⚡️ 

You only have room for growth. Keep expanding yourself. Do you want to be a flower that dies and withers or a flower that grows and blooms through all the seasons and starts growing a garden?🌹 continue to speak life and you’ll be at your destination.


⚡️Stride: walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction

⚡️Striving: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something

💨To find your pace of grace you must have your a-c goals

A: know I can take and make it

B: know but think I can hit

C: so so big you believe it but you don’t really believe it 

⚡️Don’t get out of alignment use the a,b,c.

Many of us want more $$ or next position but not ready for the responsibility that comes with it

In the good book god never ran to the next appointment he walked. 


Who are you what do you do exactly?

Where are you from and where do you stay currently?

Experiences with traveling everywhere and different cultures

Being at 18 to 19 now 20 being able to do what seems not normal to a lot people around our age what created you to do this?

Why is having a why important ?

Whats your take on people who think they are an entrepreneur vs people who are actually an entrepreneur if that makes any sense

How did you handle adversity and doubt? Bc ik your friends or family can doubt you and tell you not to do the things you did/are doing now days?

For those seeking to become a good leader what are some key values they need?

Why do you workout everyday I noticed that you’ve been posting everyday about checking in to the gym so for those who haven’t done the same or ever thought about it whats your take on that?

You have such a high posture and confidence what are some things people can do when it comes to confidence?

What do you do on your free time when it comes to outside of business and Work?

God does something in the miracle in the moment but when god gave u it so you can secure the bag. 

"Joy is the fruit of the spirit” its not the fruit of success.

Whats your take on that is talking about the supernatural 

Being the youngest what have you learned and what would say to people who are looking to build a business with any business too even at a young age

Pace myself: take steps to the goals to Grow

a) type goal beginnings 

B) type goal 2nd week

C) type goal for end month